Hi, I’m Kanna. I consider myself a student of life. I keep the practice going cause it is just that. A practice. Never perfect nor linear. Learning how to befriend my body and trust in it rather than abandon or betray. In doing so, I continue to unearth treasures that remained hidden from my consciousness, empowering me so I can move through life with steadiness and an open heart.

To be fair, it hasn’t been an easy road nor pain free. Yet, it’s provided me (and continues to) the opportunity for expansion and internal FREEDOM, which are priceless gifts. The continual process of unfurling out of antiquated paradigms, unshackling myself from a self-imposed prison and moving forward with my heart allows me to meet up with COMPASSION & LIBERATION, each and every time. Practicing how to show up AUTHENTICALLY with PURPOSEFUL INTEGRITY. To create a life that is in alignment with me, my needs and heart’s desires, rather than a paradigm. To be honest, even if it means it will upset others. To be discerning and TRUST in this.

The journey inward, embracing and loving my imperfections, is where I continue to find the answers, the liberation, the medicine. As I shift internally & TRUST, my external world mirrors this too. Incredible opportunities, people, abundance of all forms have entered my life in the most unexpected ways.

I continue to learn how to turn pain & unease into gold. To tune out the noise and hear the whispering of my Soul. This gold has enabled me to love more not less. To embrace the anxiety, depression, grief and anger. To forgive. This has brought me more calm, ease and vitality.

My life isn’t perfect nor am I. Yet, things are vastly different than before. It doesn’t always have to be like Sisyphus and that boulder. There is greater tranquility in my life and a heck of a lot less drama. I continue to learn because pain still shows up, as does grief and all the other uncomfortable feelings that come with being human…and it’s different. There is acceptance, gratitude, a softening and a new way of being with the discomfort and uncertainties. 

Many have equally if not more tragic stories to tell. Brene Brown has said, “Everyone has a story or a struggle that will break your heart. And, if we’re really paying attention, most people have a story that will bring us to our knees.” It is in our shared humanity that we begin to heal. Holding space for what needs to be seen and heard without judgment, ridicule or needing to fix what actually isn’t broken. Like a stone thrown into the sea, our individual healing ripples out into the collective for greater expansion for all. I am honored to meet you there.

The Greatest Medicine lies within