HeARTwork: creative expression Workshop®

The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter, and the spirit heals with joy.

My hope is that all beings are given space to tap into their inner reservoir of creativity to water the streams of resilience, wisdom and love that flows within us all.

Art has always been a tool to clear the clutter of my mind, lighten the heaviness that life can sometimes bring and connect deeper with my Soul. Though formally trained in art, I never cared for the constricting box I felt trapped in while at university. I yearned to self-express without judgement, expectations of how it “should” look or feel the pressures to compete. While studying at the University of Washington, I always knew I was meant to serve yet didn’t quite know how it would look. It wasn’t until many years later that it became clear.

HeARTwork™ initially started out as a personal daily practice for me to release stress during the beginning of 2020. I realized how serious I had become and remembered through the art of PLAY, JOYOUSNESS and CREATIVITY that I can empower myself; connect to my truth, nurturing / nourishing the inner child to express as they desire. I was letting go of old paradigms that dictate how I “should” be and allowing all aspects of myself to be loved. I soon felt called to share this with others in community so we could uplift and inspire each other in a supportive container. I wove from 16 years as a healing arts practitioner and work in the non-profit sector as an art workshop facilitator supporting marginalized communities to create the unique tapestry of HeARTwork™.

HeARTwork™ is a community driven self expression workshop designed with the intention to offer a safe space for free expression and play, exploring our inner landscape through intuitive art, breathwork, movement, and sound. Through a heart centered approach, I will guide on how to shift from dwelling in the busy mind to the intuitive wisdom and creativity within you to access deeper awareness, clarity, and calm. Reconnect with and remember your MAGIC and POWER. Reclaim your Divine birthright to FREEDOM and EASE. Above all, we will have FUN! A delightful embodied experience to relax, unwind, rejuvenate and invigorate the soul! Supplies provided. Come as the sovereign BEing you are.

*Please RSVP as space is limited. Children are always welcome. 12 yrs and under attend for FREE. This is a 3 hour workshop where you come as you are. Supplies provided.

Please bring the following:

*Cushion / mat to sit on, any creature comforts to be at ease

*Water / snacks for yourself or that you’d like to share

Location: Vashon, WA and beyond



To say I was blown away by Kanna’s HeARTwork workshop is somewhat of an understatement. How I came to be there was definitely part of some big divine plan that my conscious mind cannot fathom. Originally, I thought I was just going to get in some adult art time, away from the normal kids’ projects (something that rarely happens for me as a mom of 2 young ones). Instead, I unexpectedly tapped into my intuitive and creative powers. By no means do I consider myself an “artist”, but what I ended up creating somehow flowed with ease, joy, and was very fulfilling. The bodywork at the beginning really opened up my channels of creativity and flow. And, the energy of the group was so uplifting, inspiring and supportive. HeARTwork is something that needs to be experienced by everyone of all ages. Especially in this time where art and creativity is diminished in our education system, our youth can truly benefit from tapping into their right brain hemispheres, creating balance and harmony from within. Kanna’s gift paired with her passion is extremely valuable and impactful.
— Jessica
This is wonderful experience! By allowing ourselves the opportunity to delve into connecting to our deeper selves as well as connecting honestly with community, we can find creativity, joy, presence, and truth. We are all inner artists, but we rarely take the time to express ourselves this way. Kanna is a wonderful guide / facilitator who is very clear in her being, honest, and down-to-earth, allowing everyone to feel comfortable. I would recommend this to others because I believe that this is a wonderful opportunity to tap into your inner artist within the beauty of community and connecting with others as well. We all need more of this in our lives. This class is a gift.
— Hannah
The first time I went to HeARTwork was to support a friend, but little did I know that I was in for a profound experience! Taking the time to meditate, stretch, create, and to deeply breathe with some fellow humans moved my soul. I love the space Kanna creates, you are safe and encouraged to share your goals and vision for yourself. I didn’t really consider myself artsy before HeARTwork, but now I love looking back on what I’ve created in that space and feel renewed inspiration. I can’t wait to bring my friends next time!!
— Estelle
Spending focused time making art with my life is so needed and we all need permission and examples of how to break out of the linear ways of healing. Kanna’s stillness with such a spark is unique. I most enjoyed how she set the energy and the kids followed. Thank you for creating the space for us, your love and guiding me well.
— Kerri
HeARTwork was truly a heart opening experience that allowed me to freely express myself. I enjoyed sharing the space with others, the connections flowed naturally. I felt happy and calm throughout the workshop and refreshed at the end. I walked out more in touch with the joyous and wondrous parts of my being. I felt my inner child shinning through. It was a healing experience.
— Emily
After having experienced HeARTwork I can say that Kanna really has created something powerful and unique. Everyone in my session created expressions personal to what energy needed to come through in that now moment for them. The whole experience is guided in a way that opens a portal in each individual while Kanna holds space for the collective to be safe in their open personal journey. She is a fantastic moderator / leader. Our creative subconscious minds open and express. For myself, I found that what came through was not what I expected, and in the end, felt authentic. Anyone can benefit from this workshop. I highly recommend experiencing it for yourself.
— Chris
What an enjoyable, playful, and magical time we shared as a group. I really loved the outdoor part of the day, the relaxed feel, comraderie and intimacy. Being out in nature and in our bodies was a great way for opening the way to the intuitive art process. Kanna’s sensitive guidance and space-holding allowance helped weave a wise and welcoming container for delving into the gentle and powerful experience of intuitive art-making.
— Jane
I didn’t know I needed / wanted this workshop as much as I enjoyed it. I felt safe to express whats present for me and it didn’t feel awkward because we were in our processes. It also opened up a new desire to create art daily; for me, not for anyone else. I am grateful for Kanna’s ability to set a container for both adults and children. Her consistent pacing brought everyone to a peaceful state to create and heal. I would recommend this workshop to others because I got more out of it than I was expecting. It was balanced between somatic movement, creative flow and fun! Kanna you are so gifted. Thank you for doing this so we can heal ourselves.
— Nani
I am a new person to this community but not new to Vashon, and loved how immediately I was welcomed in and felt like part of the group. I loved how Kanna’s energy is strong yet not authoritative. The space is welcoming, the activities allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and share which is not something I normally do. It felt like a very safe space to be. I loved getting away from my normal activities and going to hang out with some really amazing people.
— Morgan
HeARTwork was a very fun and positive experience. Being able to gather and ground in a safe atmosphere, while self-expressing through the various activities was such a delight. Kanna has a very calm presence, and a great ability to guide each individual into a mindful and heart-centered space. Kanna created a welcoming space to have unlimited creative exploration, as well as the opportunity to truly check-in with ourselves; an incredibly valuable and potent thing to do as we navigate these challenging times.
— A.E.
I loved being in a space of free expression of the heart through art with other beings including children. Kanna is great at leading and holding loving space for everyone in the group. She is heart centered, honest and clear present, feeling the energy of the group and meeting and greeting everyone in the heart. It is inspirational for the self and beautiful to be in a group process of art and expression. I loved bringing my children and for us to enjoy the art journey of free expression together.
— Babi
Kanna is warm, grounded and an excellent facilitator. Workshops like this are especially necessary during these tumultuous times. Being able to share space is vital. It was lovely to share space with like-minded people who are interested in unleashing creative energy into a self-healing therapy. A gentle and loving container was held. Kanna is an excellent guide!
— Erin
I was hesitant to attend HeARTwork because I don’t consider myself an artist, but my young daughter is and I wanted to experience a class with her. Kanna was so encouraging and got me into a space where I was comfortable to create, and really enjoy the process. I saw her really connect with each person there, providing tailored support. My daughter and I had so much fun together - it was a unique experience that we both are excited to do again!
— Kara
Kanna creates such a beautiful space to let your intuition guide and is an excellent guide without being rigid! I loved being in community with others and feeling free of judgment to create!
— Maureen